This application enables the DIC applicants to register to the system through the declaration of basic information. During this registration process, the following information is required to be filled out.
name of the person of the investment enterprise making the application. It is obligatory to fill out.
The number on the Tin certificate as issued by the Gambia Revenue Authority. It is obligatory to fill out.
Date of business registration certificate.
The business/company registration number given by the Registrar of Companies in the country in which the headquarters of the company is located. It is obligatory to fill out.
Provide the name of the shareholders of the investment enterprise. It is obligatory to fill out.
Tick the appropriate sectors of the economy where the investment is made. It is obligatory to fill out.
Provide a brief description of the type of business to be developed.
The address information of the exporter. It is obligatory to fill out.
The country information of the exporter company, can be selected from the country list. It is obligatory to fill out
The city information of the exporter company. It is obligatory to fill out.
The phone number information of the exporter company. It is obligatory to fill out.
The alternate phone number of the contact person of the applicant company.
The postal code information of the applicant company.
The registered and valid e-mail address information of the exporter company.
Geographic region of the country where the investment is made if known or available.
Indicate in which country’s currency is the investment value. It is obligatory to fill out.
This is the amount of investment in fixed assets to be disbursed during the next two years, which could not be inferior to US$250,000 for foreign investment and US$100,000 for domestic investment as per Section 38 of the Act. It is obligatory to fill out.
This is the estimated number of jobs to be created after the commencement of operations and during the time disbursement of the investment, which could not be inferior to the criteria provided in the Regulation herein.
Statement promising to undertake the best efforts to create the amounts of jobs estimated.
Give a brief description of the business plan for the next five (5) years or eight (8) years as the case might be, including financial information and marketing strategies. It is obligatory.
Indication of the licenses, permits and authorizations required by other laws to operate in the relevant sector, if that were the case, a copy of which should be attached.
Indication of kind of evidence of funding, such as letter from banks on the availability of funds or bank statements or any other document that proves the availability of the funds. It is obligatory.
List of capital goods to be imported free of import duty and VAT tax according to Section (39) of the Act. This list shall be updated annually and submitted to the GIEPA Investment Incentive Award Committee before the imports take place. It is obligatory.
I hereby certify that the above statements are correct
This box should certainly be marked for completing the registration process. The user undertakes that the information given by him or her is accurate.